We are looking for a dev'hacker

Anyone can join Darkmira as long as they want to be commited to understand how tools and mechanisms we use every day work, and want to do things right instead of doing them as quickly as possible.

Development :
PHP and related frameworks

Communication :
Business coaching, Community

Industrialization :
Git, Docker, CI/CD, Tests

On mission

Lost !

At Darkmira, we do not recruit because we have a need for a client project.

For us, it is very important for a developer who joins us to find oneself in the 3 minds that we have defined. This is the type of personality and profile that we and our devhackers are looking for.

No recruitment on mission then.

Slide to the other side to learn more

On mission

On profile

Bravo, it's won !

You have the right mindset, that's what Darkmira is looking for.
With us, you will embody the 3 spirits that we all share : entrepreneurship, industrialization et hacker.
When you arrive at Darkmira, you symbolically sign the developer's charter.

  • Entrepreneurship : a person who promotes the values and good practices in force and who will also be an actor of one's professional development.
  • Industrialization : it is to develop reliable, maintainable and secure applications to minimize the technical debt, it is to fight for beautiful code.
  • Hacking : to experiment to understand how tools work and to share these around oneself in communities.

Our perks

In addition to your salary, at Darkmira we offer a package including :


11 euros worth of food voucher,
half paid by the company

Event allowance to attend conferences

Recruitment process

At Darkmira, we like to chat and discuss rather than having a regular job interview. You discuss with us why you chose the path of dev'hacker and your career path.

  1. Conversation on your journey and around Darkmira spirits

  2. Technical exchange with CTO around best practices

  3. Come get your goodies pack

Contact us

If you recognize yourself in these 3 minds and you are looking for technical challenges but also human, do not hesitate to apply and contact us on Twitter / Linkedin or come talk to us at the AFUP / AFSY meetups we attend.